

Meditation is the practice of training the mind to induce a higher state of consciousness. It is a general term which refers to a broad variety of practices and techniques across many traditions. It can be practiced for many reasons, including physical health and well-being, mindfulness, general awareness, emotional control, self-realization, enlightenment, and to develop patience, compassion, love, generosity and forgiveness.

Since the 1960's, meditation has attracted thousands of studies and scientific research, indicating an overall positive effect on practitioners, yet, the exact mechanism explaining how meditation works remains unclear.

In the physical/material/rational world, knowledge can be acquired, verified and communicated. On the other hand, "reality" is larger than the physical, the material, and the rational. When we look for meaning, when we ask the big question "why?", we enter a domain beyond the rational; what can be characterized as "non-rational reality". The non-rational is not knowable in the usual sense. It is also not communicable, nor is it verifiable. Yet, it is perceivable and more importantly validatable. Spiritual traditions hold that, the perception and validation of non-rational reality is "experienced" in the heart. This ineffable deep experience is possible through a specific state of mind, a certain outlook, a distinct perspective and a profound calmness. Meditation, in the most general sense, is any spiritual practice which facilitates non-rational understanding.

The non-rational is not the irrational. Understanding is not knowledge. Meaning is not explanation. Validation is not verification.
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