Fall Colors at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge

Fall Colors at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge

This year autumn began September 22, 2012, and ends December 20, 2012. Did you notice that autumns are not as cold as they used to be? Migratory birds sure did. Studies show that climate change and increasing temperatures are altering bird migration patterns. Hurricane Sandy which is passing through the Northeast as this photo is posted, might also pose a threat to vulnerable bird populations. John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge located in Philadelphia is on the direct path of Sandy, and in a few days we will see the damage it has left behind.

Did you ever wonder why foliage produces those amazing fall colors? US Forest Service has an informative article explaining the science of fall colors that is well worth reading.

Song of the Day: Fall In Philadelphia - Hall & Oates (1972)
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