Since it's founding, the United States has been both a "melting pot", and a "cultural mosaic". The American Mosaic series of posts attempt to capture the interweave of American society.

The Hebrew word
Chametz means
breaded, or
leavened foods. According to the
Torah, one must not possess or eat
chametz during
Passover. Therefore, any
chametz in one's possession must be burned, nullified or sold before
Passover begins. The
Bi'ur Chametz (burning) ceremony involves searching for the
chametz on the night before
Passover with candlelight, and burning what is found, the following morning.
The New York Metropolitan area is home to the largest
Jewish population outside of Israel. The borough of Brooklyn has a number of scattered
Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. This photo was taken in
I recently watched a
very interesting interview that contrasts secular living with religious life on C-SPAN. Author and philosopher Alain De Botton argues, from an atheist's point of view, that secular institutions have been unable to address some of the
human needs of individuals as religion has. He argues that religion, through rituals, art, repetition, sense of awe, pilgrimage and community, provides a framework unmatched in
secular-only living, and that, non-believers and non-practicing people have a lot to learn from religious customs, practices and traditions.
Song of the Day:
Paper In Fire - John Mellencamp (1987)