Moses, Not The Pharaoh

Moses, Not The Pharaoh

"Firavun Degil Musa" translates as "Moses, Not The Pharaoh". I'm quite sure that this is some sort of a political message, but couldn't quite figure it out.

Ra, the creator of life, was the solar deity of Ancient Egyptian religion. Ancient Egyptians had a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals, and at some point in their history, the Pharaoh was addressed as the "Son of Ra" and considered "Ra's manifestation on earth". Moses on the other hand, revered as a prophet in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, advocated monotheism. His religion was simple; He taught that there was "only one divine being whom no image can represent... [and] the only way to approach this God is to live in virtue and in justice". Given the divisive beliefs, traditions and rituals in contemporary Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the religion of Moses no longer seems so straightforward.

I think J. Krishnamurti summarized it best in one of his dialogues: "But I think when we lost touch with nature, with the universe, with the clouds, lakes, birds, when we lost touch with all that, then the priests came in. Then all the superstition, fears, exploitation, all that began. The priest became the mediator between the human and the so-called divine... [They said:] Let's mix it up, let's confuse it a little bit. And then it began. I believe this is traceable from the ancient Vedas to the present time, where the priest became the interpreter, the mediator, the explainer, the exploiter; the man who said, this is right, this is wrong, you must believe this or you will go to perdition, and so on and so on and so on".
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